Lauch Files are a great way to launch multiple ROS nodes. In this project, different ways of launching multiple instances of a node in ROS is shown. Different methods of launching the nodes such as using xml
files and python script
are demonstrated in this project.
Following are the concepts used for this project:
- Manually launching multiple instances of same node using launch files
- To run multiple instances of same node
- Dynamically launching multiple instances of same node using launch files
- To recursively start same node with different node names
- Dynamically launching multiple instances of same node using Python scripts and ROSlaunch API
- To launch nodes in sequence with custom node name, topic name, and broadcasting tf data
- Following is the directory structure of the package
. ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── docs Supporting files for README │ ├── manual.png │ ├── ROSAPI.png │ ├── rosgraph.png │ ├── ros.png │ └── topics_info.png ├── include │ └── pylauncher ├── launch Launch Files │ ├── dynamic.launch Dynamically launch multiple instances of a node │ └── manual.launch Manually launch multiple instances of a node ├── nodes ROS Nodes │ ├── Template Node to be launched using xml launch files │ └── ROSAPI │ ├── Template Node to be lanched using python launch script │ ├── Script to launch ROS Nodes │ └── Script containing class for turtles in turtlesim ├── package.xml ├── └── src
To run the project on your local system, follow the procedure:
Download the packages -
Copy these packages to your ROS workspace i.e.
Build the work-space
$ cd ~/ROS_ws/
$ catkin_make
Open new terminal and source the ROS workspace -
source ~/ROS_ws/devel/setup.bash
Files associated -
To run the manual launch file, run the following command
$ roslaunch pylauncher manual.launch
To run the dynamic launch file, run the following command
$ roslaunh pylauncher dynamic.launch num:=5
File associated -
Navigate to ROSAPI directory using following command
$ cd ~/ROS_ws/src/pylauncher/nodes/ROSAPI/
Run the python script to launch nodes using python script
$ python3 5