Realtime ephemeral image sharing + maps.
- Login with Google
- View Map with your current location
- Upload an image from your current location.
- Set the radius at which the image can be viewed
- Set when the image will expire / disappear:
- After X amount of views
- After X amount of time
- Users can see image markers on the map
- Can choose to view images IF within the specified image radius
- Create a mapbox token here
- Update client/.env with your mapbox token
- Create a google client id and secret here
- Update server/.env with your google client id and secret
cd client
npm install
npm start
cd server
npm install
npm run dev
- React
- @feathersjs client
- A framework for real-time applications and REST APIs
- Realtime client
- reactn
- React, but with built-in global state management.
- figbird
- Declarative data fetching for Feathers and React
- react-map-gl
- React components for Mapbox GL JS
- react-bootstrap with bootswatch lux theme
- Node.js
- FeathersJS
- A framework for real-time applications and REST APIs
- Express
- Mongoose
- elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js
- Realtime server events
- grant with google oauth
- OAuth Middleware for Express, Koa and Hapi
- Joshua Ferris
- You could also add the option to "randomize their location" it slightly skews it - enough to be non specific
- Jesus Bibieca
- allow the user to select how much you should randomize the location
- Joshua Ferris
- Within x distance to view the image
- John Smith
- Remove exif data for privacy reasons
- Omar ElKhatib
- use an ready AI to detect if the photo posted it does not contain any nudes or violence
- "Trusted Users"
- Joshua Ferris
- I mean when they login and you get their profile data - only accept users that have filled fields on their account provider
- Infi
- Image shall be able to be captioned with markdown, with a high character limit (1024)
- Bojan Dedić
- Adding a karma to pics, so the image stays longer on the map if the karma is high, like on reddit.
- Aman Singh
- lets just write a decay rate algorithm per post based on views, likes and comments