Dwm is an extremely fast, small, and dynamic window manager for X. Dwm is created by the suckless guys. This is my personal build of dwm. I applied a number of patches to make dwm more "reliable" rather than "suckless".
- center (makes centered dialog boxes)
- attachaside (new windows appears in the stack rather than as the master)
- autostart (looks for autostart.sh in ~/.dwm and runs that script after startup)
- cyclelayoyts (gives you a keybinding to cycle through the avaliable layouts)
- restartsig (ability to restart dwm without killing it)
- rotatestack (moves the window through the stack)
- swallow (check here)
- systray (displays systray)
- vaniygaps (this patch applies gapps but also a number of layouts)
- noborder (removes border when only window is active)
Here is the list of dependencies that you should consider installing.
If you use a login manager (such as lightdm or sddm) you have to create a file called dwm.desktop
in /usr/share/xsessions
directory. It should looke like this:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Dynamic window manager