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Cecil Coupe edited this page Sep 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

There is a file, app.yaml that you can edit that will change some things.

name: Shoes
major: 3
minor: 2
tiny: 22
release: federales
revision: git 
  win32: platform/msw/shoes.ico
  osx:   static/Shoes.icns
  gtk:   static/shoes-icon-federales.png

The app.yaml contents wind up in the VERSIONS.txt, version.h and there are Shoes::VERSION_xxxxx constants that are created for the app.yaml entries.

It should be obvious what they do. When I've released 3.2.22, then I'll edit the app.yaml and bump the tiny: to 23. What is not obvious is the revision: entry. In the example, it's 'git' but it could be 'file' or 4 digits depending on what the developer wants. The revision number is only loosely related to the version number. It's a simple counter - basically the number of edits or patches or fixes so far. It's not used for anything overly important in Shoes. But, 3.2.22 r(1826) is a slightly older version of Shoes 3.2.22 r(1827)


With this setting to the revision: entry, when rake runs (for any task) it gets the number of commits on the Shoes3 repository. It can (does) query the github website so you'll need to be online.


With this setting it gets the revision number by parsing VERSIONS.txt and adding one (1) to the revisions count in there. VERSIONS.txt only get updated when doing a rake package or rake install so it's not really counting file edits or commits. You can also run rake version which does nothing but create VERSION.txt -- effectively incrementing the revision number.

You might use this facility if you don't want to talk to github (or it's behaving badly). Perhaps you're offline.


For example revision: 9876 just sets the number. No auto incrementing. No online connection. Just set the number.


For OSX, a lot of the Contents/info.plist comes from app.yaml and machinations on it.

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