go5hort is a Telegram Bot written in Go for Shortening URLs.
/start - Information
/auth <TOKEN> - Authorise User for Bot Use
/short <URL> - Create a Short URL
Create a bot @BotFather. Get the API Key and set it as:
in a new file called .env in root.
Create a cluster on MongoDB Atlas and set up database as follows:
links (collection)
tokens (collection)
├──token (assign your token)
└──id (tg user ID - initially empty)
Get the database URI with username and password and set it as:
in .env in root.
Customize index.html and 404.html as per your liking.
Also use go mod vendor to download libraries in root folder for deployment. I used Heroku for deployment. Dont forget to set the environment variables for your preffered method of deployment. Eg: Set Config Vars in Heroku Dashboard.