A small web page that allows the person in charge of the packaging section manage the different rooms.
- Register product: Register new product for packing, it has a simple filter that shows the registered products while typing, if there's no product with that name it doesn't show anything.
- Start packing : Select the room to start packing the product (22,34,139,158), if the room isn't busy it will allows him to procedure, if it isn't, it wont allow him.
- See actual products : See the actual products in production, as the quantity of pallets increases it will increase the progress production.
Once finished the packing of the product, it will allows to clear the room and start packing a new one.
Also can search on it throught name, lot, quantity, date, this table will show a maximun of 5 finished products, if there's less than 5 in the data base table it won't show See more, it will show No more results.
and that's all, this is my first "small - serious" project that I made by myself, I did it thinking in my actual job enviorenment, they always entering to the rooms seeing how is going the process, and I though why instead of walk to the room, not see it throught localhost?