I'm a freelance developer and a master student with a double degree major in Earth Oriented Space Science and Technology from The Technische Universität München and Wuhan University.
🔭 I'm working for the master thesis at LiangDao GmbH, the topic is Semantic Segmentation with Transfer Learning for Mobile Laser Scanning Point Cloud. A new project was created purposely by me to collect related work. In the past, I was the principal software developer for a food delivery company where I worked full-stack to build their website and Apps that serve tens of thousands of customers.
😄 When not working with technology, I geek out on MOBA games on the phone, and binge-watch movies/television sitcoms. I enjoy diving to the bottom of the water and forgetting about the whole world. I'm also proud to support "Verein der chinesischen Studenten und Wissenschaftler in München e.V. (CSSA)", the world's largest student run philanthropy.
📫 How to reach me: shuo.shen@tum.de