Sentry plugin for Vault manages Sentry projects and their DSN in an organization.
The setup guide assumes some familiarity with Vault and its plugin ecosystem. You must have a Vault server already running, unsealed, and authenticated.
- Download and decompress the latest plugin binary from the Releases tab on GitHub. Alternatively you can also compile the plugin from source.
- Move the compiled plugin into Vault's
$ mv vault-secret-plugin-sentry /etc/vault/plugins/vault-secret-plugin-sentry
- Calculate the SHA256 of the plugin and register it in Vault's plugin catalog. If you are downloading the pre-compiled binary it is highly recommended that you use the published checksums to verify integrity.
$ export SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 "/etc/vault/plugins/vault-secret-plugin-sentry" | cut -d' ' -f1)
$ vault plugin register -sha256=${SHA256} -command=vault-secret-plugin-sentry secret secret-sentry
- Mount the auth method:
$ vault secrets enable -path=sentry secret-sentry
For details on API endpoints and their usage see docs.
This code is licensed under the MPLv2 license.