- 👋 Hi, I’m @Shuubhii
- 👀 I’m interested in Computer science This repositorires is my journey of solving 150 interviews questions. This will showcase my programming skills, problem solving skills. In this repo, I will not only write my own code but also will provide the time it took me to complete the code. Which then would give us a better metric to judge my skills.
After completetion of these 150 questions, I would myself generate the metric and the result of it would be showcased here.
Topics covered:
- Arrays/ Strings
- Two pointers
- sliding window
- Matrix
- Hashmap
- Intervals
- Stacks
- LinkedList
- Binary Tree Geeneral
- Binary Tree BFS
- Binary Search Tree
- Graph General
- Graph BFS
- Trie
- Backtracking
- Divide and Conquer
- Kadane's Algorithm
- Binary Search
- Heap
- Bit Manipulation
- Math
- 1D DP
- Multidimensional DP