eloF1 is a simple engine designed to compute ELO ratings for Formula 1 drivers. A substantial portion of the code is adapted from the F1 bot.
All drivers start with a base rating of 1000, and each driver is associated with an average race finish position.
A driver's rating changes after each race using the following equation.
Δrating = 100 * ( raceFinishCoeff - avgFinishCoeff)
The original equation multiplies the difference by a factor of 32. 32 is a bit too less for my liking tho. ;)
and avgFinishCoeff
are defined as:
raceFinishCoeff = 1 - ( finishingPosition / totalEntrants )
is given as the mean of raceFinishCoeffs
from all the races the driver has entered.
I havent figured out how to plot graphs just yet. Running the engine with parameters from 1950 to 2023 yeilds these ELOs. This is NOT a perfect implementation of the ELO Rating System, since it is highly unlikely for Jacques Villeneuve to have negative ELO.