Welcome to my GitHub profile.
I'm an experienced NHS analyst with over 6 years experience of working across acute and commissioning bodies across the health and care sector. I am passionate about leveraging public health and provider data to improve decision-making across healthcare. I have a masters degree in Physics and relish a rich data source to interrogate. I am proficient in utilizing Statistical Process Control (SPC) methodology to drive project success. I currently work for the NHS Transformation Unit on a variety of projects from modelling demand and capacity to developing comprehensive baselines of populations or systems to developing dashboards for organisation or system oversight. Take a look at our GitHub page to learn more.
- Estates Infrastructure: Using Power BI to undertake analysis on a range of estates related data, to inform current building backlog costs and predict future estates spend. I don't often use Power BI but find it a useful tool that organisations are familiar with, which aids engagement.
- Service Demand Baseline: Creating reports in RMarkdown to provide a system and provider view of what the current demand is in ED for Mental Health related attendances. This has been my first project report using R and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It has been a steep learning curve but has made organising an interactive report easier and with finer controls of the visuals. I have particularly enjoyed playing with the different visuals on offer in ggplot2.
- Dashboard and Report Creation: Creating dashboards in Tableau to allow users to get a quick glance at what is happening within their system. An example can be seen on the Transformation Unit website
R and RStudio: Having previous experience with coding languages, e.g. SQL, it has been interesting to learn how a new language works in comparison and how base R varies from other packages like tidyr. I have started exploring different visuals and functions to develop RMarkdown reports as part of my portfolio.
I'm always interested in connecting with others with an interest is healthcare analysis. Please drop me a message on Twitter