The results of a 2016 presidential election in the United States in a different world.
Created as a study in making choropleth map using a what-if approach on American politics.
Not a political campaign or an endorsement of any kind.
- openpyxl (3.1.2) - reading .xlsx files.
- pandas (2.0.1) - working with tabular data.
- plotly (5.14.1) - creating maps.
- psutil (5.9.5) - managing processes.
- requests (2.29.0) - accessing external resources.
- wand (0.6.11) - converting svgs to pngs.
- Orca (1.3.1) - standalone application, writing maps to files.
- ImageMagick ( - required for wand to work.
- Map data for presidential election - completed on 17-07-2023.
- Add supporting legend and prettify - completed on 20-08-2023.
- Make legend generation fully automatic.
- Change palettes to smaller ones that go over candidate blocks.
- Add historical data for highs and lows.
- Repeat the same map for Big Wisconsin.