I'm Andre Silveira, a BI/SQL Specialist, gratuated in Analysis and Develop Systems
- Location: São Paulo, Brasil
- BI/SQL Specialist at Grupo Verreschi
- Graduated in Analysis and Develop Systems at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
- Currently studying Python and its libraries with a focus on data analysis and chart development. A lot of interest in financial market, and .NET development
- I have more than 3 years working in Data Analysis areas, in companies references in Telemarketing, beeing responsable to analise all data of the clients on database (SQL Server) and after that build Dashboards and Reports to help and point all producion data;
- I always have interest in automatize all tasks of my area (Management Information System), avoiding possible errors and reducing my team work time, thus having time to focus on other projects.
- SQL Server Long Query Alert. A personal project in TSQL using sp_send_dbmail that send alerts in email of queries that are running for more than 10 minutes.
- SQL Server Identify new Customer base. A personal project in TSQL that check if customers base has been updated (one of my first projects using cursor).