Revealing the internal workings of a robot can help a human better understand the robot's behaviors. How to reveal such workings, e.g., via explanation generation, remains a significant challenge. This gets even more complex when these explanations are targeted towards children. Therefore, we propose a search-based approach to generate contrastive explanations using optimal and sub-optimal plans and implement it in a scenario for children. In the application scenario, the child and the robot learn together how to play a zero-sum game that requires logical and mathematical thinking. We report results around our explanation generation system that was successfully deployed among seven-year-old children. Our results show trends that the generated explanations were able to positively affect the children's perceived difficulty in learning the zero-sum game.
For additional details about the research work you can check out our paper: Explainable Agency by Revealing Suboptimalityin Child-Robot Learning Scenarios
To run the code:
- open a terminal and launch: $ roscore
- open a second terminal into your repository folder and launch minmax.launch: $ roslaunch minmax.launch
Install ROS melodic and catkin
Clone the repository
- $ git clone
Make the python files executable Run the following command for each script:
$ chmod +x
Build a catkin workspace and source the setup file
- $ cd ~/catkin_ws
- $ catkin_make
Add the workspace to the ROS environment
- $. ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Make sure that the CMakeLists.txt file is configured properly
- All the services and the dependencies should be as follows:
- find_package (catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp rospy std_msgs message_generation message_runtime )
- add_service_files (FILES Decision.srv GameState.srv Plan.srv RobotExplanation.srv RobotTalk.srv )
- All the services and the dependencies should be as follows:
Make it work with the Robot
- If you work with the NAO Robot uncomment the line 7, from 41 to 65 and 85 (self.robot_communication.say(self.explanation_text)) in the file
- Create a folder sdk that contains the pynaoqi sdk required and modify your bashrc ($gedit ~/.bashrc) to indicate the python and library paths as follows:
- export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/sdk/pynaoqi-python2.7-
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/home/<your_pc_name>/sdk/pynaoqi-python2.7-
- you can download the pynaoqi sdk following this guide