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A node based non-linear programming language, running on the JVM

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A node based functional programming language, running on the JVM. Functions are the core of NLang with variables existing only as registers.

Instructions headers and enumeration values are case insensitive.



To install Nlang, open powershell and navigate to the location where you want to create a project. Then, run the following commands:

curl -o download.bat

Building custom libraries

NLang allows the extension of the base instruction set by custom libraries. If you want to use custom libraries, simply call:

./npack --get USERNAME REPO_NAME

NPack (NLang's library manager) pulls the library from the list in NDepo.

Currently, these are the only existing libraries:

  • nlwinplotlib
  • nlmath
  • nlautodiff
  • nlgraph
  • nlequstr


NLang can execute a program or act as a line-by-line interpreter.

To run NLang in interpreter mode, simply run


In order to execute a specific file (for example PROGRAM.nlp):

./nlang PROGRAM

Programs can also be executed from interpreter way in the following way:


>> exec PROGRAM

NLang uses a specific memory division of 2048 floats total -896 for local memory, 128 for global and 1024 for array memory

In order to change this division, the following arguments can be used:

  • -NX, For example -N5. NLang will define 5 slots per node.
  • -LX, For example -L256. NLang will use 256 local floats. The maximum number of nodes possible are equal to the local memory amount, divided by the number of specified slots per node
  • -GX, For example -G512. NLang will now be able to support up to 512 registers global memory.
  • -AX, For example -A1024. NLang will reserve 1024 float for array memory.

Specifying any other argument will instead put it in order into the global memory so that ./nlang test 1 2 3 will put values 1, 2 and 3 in global registers %1, %2 and %3.


In NLang, the pipe symbol | means that the lines of code ending with it will get executed in parallel.

Nodes with instructions to be executed in parallel are defined exclusively in groups, defined by {}.

Every node contains the following information:

  • parent node
  • child nodes
  • instruction
  • slots (numbered 0-N, depending on the specified number of memory slots per node. By default - 2)


  • AS - defines where the result of an instruction is saved at. Accepts only slot addresses.
  • REPEAT - the number of times to repeat the command in a node.
  • FUNC - defines a function. Groups can be turned into functions with the func keyword.

Data types

  • NUMBER - a 32b signed float value. Both numbers and addresses can be put in NUMBER arguments of instructions.
  • STRING - a string value.
  • FUNCTION - the name of a function; used as a reference to that function. Can also be a node index, starting with @. Example: @2 will be interpreted as a "jump to node with index 2"
  • ENUM - predefined enums by NLang:
    • EQUAL
    • NUMBER
  • MULTIPLE - an undefined number of NUMBER arguments.


NLang uses a transpiler to convert user-friendly code into one understood by the parser. Many instructions and operations have shorthand:

IO Operations

  • the INP instruction can also be written simply as >
  • the PRINT and PRINTLN instructions can be written as < and <ln


Arithmetic operations can also be written in an easier way:

  • 2 + 3 instead of ADD 2 3
  • 2 - 3 instead of SUB 2 3
  • 2 * 3 instead of MUL 2 3
  • 2 / 3 instead of DIV 2 4


The SET instruction can also be written in many different ways. Instead of writing SET A 3, we can write it as:

  • a = 3
  • a << 3
  • 3 >> a

Defining variables

Instead of having to ALIAS variables by hand and risk conflicting global registers, variables can be defined like this:

//Single variable, alias of %1
def a

//Multiple variables, aliases of %2, %3 and %4
def b c d

Function calls

CALL func can be simplified down to func()

Line breaks

c = ; a / b will get converted by the transpiler to:

div a b
set c .

Putting a ; at the middle of the line causes the instructions after it to get executed first and it itself is replaced by . - the result of the previous instruction.

Multiple can be stacked for more advanced operation:

a = ; 5 * ; b + c

Starting a line with : will cause the transpiler to append it to the previous line, allowing for more fluid syntax:

if (a < b)
	: func_a
	: func_b

Will get converted to:

if a < b func_a func_b


  • > instead of greater_than
  • < instead of less_than
  • >= instead of grater_equal
  • <= instead of less_equal
  • == instead of equal
  • != instead of not_equal


  • ADD (NUMBER, NUMBER) Calculates the sum arg0 + arg1.

  • SUB (NUMBER, NUMBER) Calculates the difference arg0 - arg1.

  • MUL (NUMBER, NUMBER) Calculates the product arg0 * arg1

  • DIV (NUMBER, NUMBER) Calculates arg0 / arg1

  • SET (NUMBER, NUMBER) The value of the arg0 register is set to arg1.

  • PRINT (NUMBER) Prints a number, without putting a new line at the end.

  • INP () Reads a number from the console.

  • INPARR (STRING) Reads an array from the console, separated by spaces. Writes the values to a new array with name arg0.

  • CALL (FUNCTION) Calls a the function under the name of arg0. If a node addres (Example: @2) will jump to that node and execute it as if it's a function.

  • IF (NUMBER, NUMBER, ENUM, FUNCTION, FUNCTION) Compares arg0 and arg1 based on arg2. Valid values for arg2 are:

    • EQUAL

If the result of the comparison is true, the function arg3 is called, otherwise - arg4.

  • PRINTLN (NUMBER) Prints a number, puts a new line at the end.

  • PRINTSTR (STRING) Prints a string.

  • WRITE (STRING, NUMBER) Appends arg1 to a file with filename arg0. Does nothing unless a file was made first using MKFILE and closed with CLOSE after the writing is finished.

  • WRITESTR (STRING, STRING) Appends arg1 to a file with filename arg0. Does nothing unless a file was made first using MKFILE and closed with CLOSE after the writing is finished.

  • MKFILE (STRING) Creates a file with a filename arg0.

  • CLOSE (STRING) Closes a file for writing and reading. Cannot do that unless a file was opened / made beforehand.

  • OPEN (STRING) Opens a file with filename arg0 for reading.

  • READLINE (STRING, ENUM) Reads a single line from an already opened file with filename arg0. Arg1 specifies what value should be read. The only valid value for arg1 is NUMBER.

  • IMPORT (STRING, STRING, MULTIPLE) Calls the function with name arg1 from NLang file with .nlp extension and name arg0. The arguments passed down are treated as registers by the called function. The returned output by the IMPORT instruction is the value at g1 in the function's memory.

  • ARR (STRING, LENGTH) Defines an array with name arg0 and length arg1.

  • AT (STRING, NUMBER) Returns the element at arg1 in the array with name arg0.

  • INDEX (STRING, NUMBER) Returns the exact address of the element with index arg1 in array arg0. Used for modifying the values in the array.

  • LEN (STRING) Returns the length of the array with name arg0.

  • DELARR (STRING) Deletes the array with name arg0.

  • SETSTR (NUMBER, STRING) Sets the string at index arg0 in the string table to arg1.

  • EQUSTR (STRING, STRING) Compares arg0 and arg1 and returns 1 when they're equal and 0 if not.

  • STRCON (STRING, STRING, NUMBER) Concatenates arg0 and arg1 and puts the result to the string table at index arg2

  • RAND (NUMBER, NUMBER) Generates a random number between the two bounds

  • EXIT () Exits the program

  • NULL () Does nothing. Can be used as graph storage.


Local addresses:

Start with . (1 or multiple) and end with a number (slot id). The number of . characters specify the level of the parent node that is being referred to.

Take this example:

add 2 3
mul . 2
add . ..

If we write the code as a tree, we get this:

add 2 3
  |- mul . 2
     |- add . ..

The parent of mul . 2 is add 2 3 and mul . 2 is the parent of add . .. In the instruction mul . 2, . means one level above, a.k.a. the parent node (add 2 3). In the case of add . .., .. refers to its parent parent, so add 2 3

If no number follows the . character, the local address refers to slot 0. Then, .1 refers to slot 1 and so on...

Let's take a look at another example:

	inp as &1
	inp as &2
	add . .1
	println .

Here, &1 and &2 specify the slot number of the parent node. &1 specifies that the value in slot 0 of the group node should be equal to the result of the execution of the inp instruction. &2 specifies the value for slot 1.

These slot addresses can only be used in a group and with the as keyword.

On JVM level, NLang's memory is stored in a HashMap<String, Float>, so at every address there is a value and vice versa.

Local addresses are stored in memory in the following way:

address = SLOTS_PER_NODE * nodeId + slotId

Nodes are numbered with a unique index (nodeId). The numbering is first done by level, then by order of appearance.

Global addresses

Global addresses start with % and end with a number.

There are two types:

  • Static
  • Dynamic

The values, contained in the static global addresses will be referred to from here on out as "registers". %5 means the value in register g5. Every register holds 32-bit signed floats with a default value 0f.

Dynamic global addresses are similar to pointers. If we wrote a program and called the memdump command in interpreter mode, we might get a table like this:

897 (%1) -> 3
898 (%2) -> 4
899 (%3) -> 0.7

If we put the value 2 in g4 and call println %%4, we would get the value of g2, a.k.a. 4 as an answer. If %%4 was =3, the returned value would be 0.7f.

Exact addresses

Exact addresses start with $ and specify an exact address in memory. They give the most control, but require care as they can reach in both local, global and array memory.

//Local node with index 3 for 2 slots, slot 1:
set $9 10

//Global register %3
set $900 8

//Array index 0
set $1024 -3

String addresses

Strings are stored in a separate table and each have their own indecies. A string address starts with #.

#0 -> String at index 0 in the string table #2 -> String at index 2 in the string table

Some commands expect a string address by default, where # shouldn't be written.


A node based non-linear programming language, running on the JVM






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