Last version of my company website.
- Front: HTML, CSS, JS
- JS Libraries: lightgallery, lazyload, zoom, tags, trumbowyg, rangeslider & chart.js
- Back: Ruby & RoR
- Gems: fog-aws, carrierwave, rest-client, oauth2, dalli, friendly_id, mailform, unicorn & sitemap_generator
- Db: Postgresql
- cleanup tech
- Write some generic smoke tests (visit all pages) + Add linters/tests before pushing
- Move & migrate to active storage:
articles,projects, testimonials, users/profiles - Add free images uploader for embedding in articles
- Finish/swap trix editor (fullscreen, html edit, divider, styling)
- Delete old junk (reduce bundle size)
- Rails 7 + read docs
- Update external links from tt to ss
- remove scrambler
- timeline about
Made with <3 by Simon Somlai