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Todo App

This is a simple Todo application built using Flask, Bootstrap, Jinja, SQLite, and SQLAlchemy.


You can try out the application by visiting the following link: Todo App Demo


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change to the project directory:

    cd ToDo
  3. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):

    python3 -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
  4. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Start the Flask development server:

    flask run
  2. Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:815 to access the Todo app.


  • Add new tasks: Enter a task in the input field and press Enter or click the "Add" button.
  • Mark tasks as completed: Click on a task to toggle its completion status.
  • Delete tasks: Click on the trash bin icon to remove a task from the list.


The application uses a SQLite database named todos.db to store the tasks. The Todo table in the database has the following columns:

  • id: Integer (primary key)
  • task: String (200 characters, non-null)
  • completed: Boolean (default: False)
  • timestamp: String (20 characters, default: current date and time)

Code Overview

  • The app object is created using Flask and the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI configuration is set to use the SQLite database todos.db.
  • The Todo class represents a Todo item and defines the structure of the Todo table in the database.
  • The index route handles both GET and POST requests. For GET requests, it retrieves all the todos from the database and renders the index.html template with the todos. For POST requests, it adds a new todo to the database and redirects to the index page.
  • The delete route handles the deletion of a todo item. It retrieves the todo with the given id from the database and deletes it. Then, it redirects to the index page.
  • The update route handles updating the completion status of a todo item. It retrieves the todo with the given id from the database, toggles its completed attribute, and saves the changes. Then, it redirects to the index page.


The application uses the following templates located in the templates directory:

  • index.html: Displays the list of todos. It includes a form to add new todos and shows the existing todos with options to mark them as completed or delete them.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.