Go bindings for official Riot/League of legends REST API
Add any requests to issues.
For help using the libary look at the goriot_test.go file
TODO: Improve Readme, improve error handling, improve date handling, rate handling, improved testing (all will be filed as issues)
To install just use
go get github.com/TrevorSStone/goriot
To run tests successfully change the RIOTAPIKEY_TEST
environment variable to your key. Key's can be obtained through https://developer.riotgames.com/
Tests will take upwards of 130s if ran together due to the default rate limiting settings. This is because it has to block for 10s after each 10 requests. If you have different rate limits, change the tests to have them run faster.
The way rate limiting works is semi-experimental. I believe it works under all conditions, but if you get a 429 error please report it.
If you are interested in using RTMPS to connect to League of Legends instead of the official API, my other library sets the groundwork for you. https://github.com/TrevorSStone/golol