Fictionarie_ Is an app for people looking to write daily stories using a daily prompt.
Ruby => 2.7.1
Rails => 7.0.2
PostgreSQL => 1.1
React => 17.0.2
Bootstrap => 5.1.3
Clone this repo onto your machine and cd into it.
In the terminal run bundle install
Then either run npm install --prefix client
or cd into client and run npm install
To set up the backend open the repo in your code editor and go into the seeds.rb file and change the day_title on one of the prompts to the current date, formated as such => MONTH/DAY/YEAR => 03/15/2022 => 3152022.
Once that's done go ahead and create the database with rails db:create
, then run rails db:migrate
and rails db:seed
To start the backend run rails s
To start the frontend either run npm s --prefix client
or cd into client and run npm s
Fictionarie_ Version 0.1
Note: This is a WIP App.