I'm student of MSTU STANKIN, studying Computer Science. Studying and working with Go, Python, C, Java/Kotlin, Assembly. Making some backend, gamedev and low-level programming.
Also you can check my website to learn more. (for now sadly doesn't work 'cause i don't pay for hosting )
- Android developer work in startup for 6 months. Made mobile app for getting and parsing data for 2 neural networks with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. Almost all app is written by me.
- Golang backend developer in BWG from September 2022 to May 2023. Crypto fintech. Mainly works with cryptoprocessing.
- Golang backend developer in FGANU CITiS (ФГАНУ ЦИТиС) from May 2023 to June 2024. Goverment infrastructure for Ministry of Education.
- Golang backend developer in Ozon.Tech for now from June 2024. E-Commerce, warehouses managment systems.
- Some petprojects in different themes and languages that you can see there - in my GitHub.
- Go
- gRPC
- Kafka
- PostgreSQL
- Kotlin + Jetpack Compose
- Standart C/C++ libraries
- RabbitMQ
- Python (FastAPI, pandas, etc)
- etc.