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SkyVault edited this page Jan 9, 2019 · 8 revisions



ControlerNumber {.pure.} = enum
  One = 1, Two, Three, Four
Key {.pure.} = enum
  Unknown = keyUnknown, Space = keySpace, Apostrophe = keyApostrophe, Comma = keyComma,
  Minus = keyMinus, Period = keyPeriod, Slash = keySlash, Num0 = key0, Num1 = key1,
  Num2 = key2, Num3 = key3, Num4 = key4, Num5 = key5, Num6 = key6, Num7 = key7, Num8 = key8,
  Num9 = key9, Semicolon = keySemicolon, Equal = keyEqual, A = keyA, B = keyB, C = keyC, D = keyD,
  E = keyE, F = keyF, G = keyG, H = keyH, I = keyI, J = keyJ, K = keyK, L = keyL, M = keyM, N = keyN,
  O = keyO, P = keyP, Q = keyQ, R = keyR, S = keyS, T = keyT, U = keyU, V = keyV, W = keyW, X = keyX,
  Y = keyY, Z = keyZ, LeftBracket = keyLeftBracket, Backslash = keyBackslash,
  RightBracket = keyRightBracket, GraveAccent = keyGraveAccent, World1 = keyWorld1,
  World2 = keyWorld2, Escape = keyEscape, Enter = keyEnter, Tab = keyTab,
  Backspace = keyBackspace, Insert = keyInsert, Delete = keyDelete, Right = keyRight,
  Left = keyLeft, Down = keyDown, Up = keyUp, PageUp = keyPageUp, PageDown = keyPageDown,
  Home = keyHome, End = keyEnd, CapsLock = keyCapsLock, ScrollLock = keyScrollLock,
  NumLock = keyNumLock, PrintScreen = keyPrintScreen, Pause = keyPause, Func1 = keyF1,
  Func2 = keyF2, Func3 = keyF3, Func4 = keyF4, Func5 = keyF5, Func6 = keyF6, Func7 = keyF7,
  Func8 = keyF8, Func9 = keyF9, Func10 = keyF10, Func11 = keyF11, Func12 = keyF12,
  Func13 = keyF13, Func14 = keyF14, Func15 = keyF15, Func16 = keyF16, Func17 = keyF17,
  Func18 = keyF18, Func19 = keyF19, Func20 = keyF20, Func21 = keyF21, Func22 = keyF22,
  Func23 = keyF23, Func24 = keyF24, Func25 = keyF25, Kp0 = keyKp0, Kp1 = keyKp1, Kp2 = keyKp2,
  Kp3 = keyKp3, Kp4 = keyKp4, Kp5 = keyKp5, Kp6 = keyKp6, Kp7 = keyKp7, Kp8 = keyKp8,
  Kp9 = keyKp9, KpDecimal = keyKpDecimal, KpDivide = keyKpDivide,
  KpMultiply = keyKpMultiply, KpSubtract = keyKpSubtract, KpAdd = keyKpAdd,
  KpEnter = keyKpEnter, KpEqual = keyKpEqual, LeftShift = keyLeftShift,
  LeftControl = keyLeftControl, LeftAlt = keyLeftAlt, LeftSuper = keyLeftSuper,
  RightShift = keyRightShift, RightControl = keyRightControl, RightAlt = keyRightAlt,
  RightSuper = keyRightSuper, Menu = keyMenu
KeyState = ref object of RootObj
  state, last: in
MouseState = ref object of KeyState
ButtonState = ref object of KeyState
ControllerState = ref object
  A, B, X, Y: ButtonState
  Start, Select: ButtonState
  LTrigger, RTrigger, LShoulder, RShoulder: ButtonStat
InputManager = ref object
  mouseX, mouseY: float64
  lastMouseX, lastMouseY: float
  lastNumberOfControllers: int
  mouseLeft, mouseRight: MouseState
  keyMap: Table[int, KeyState



proc newKeyState(state = 0; last = 0): KeyState {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc mouseX(input: InputManager): float {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc mouseY(input: InputManager): float {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc mousePos(input: InputManager): (float, float) {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc mouseDeltaX(input: InputManager): float {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc mouseDeltaY(input: InputManager): float {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc mouseDeltaPos(input: InputManager): (float, float) {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isMouseLeftDown(input: InputManager): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isMouseLeftUp(input: InputManager): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isMouseRightDown(input: InputManager): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isMouseRightUp(input: InputManager): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isMouseLeftPressed(input: InputManager): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isMouseLeftReleased(input: InputManager): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isMouseRightPressed(input: InputManager): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isMouseRightReleased(input: InputManager): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isKeyDown(input: InputManager; key: Key): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isKeyUp(input: InputManager; key: Key): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isKeyReleased(input: InputManager; key: Key): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc isKeyPressed(input: InputManager; key: Key): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc update() {.raises: [], tags: [].}


template Input(): auto
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