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Common JSON Value Types

KnightMiner edited this page Jul 22, 2022 · 26 revisions
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These value types are defined either by vanilla Minecraft or by Mantle. Many of them are covered on Mantle's wiki.


String representing the registry name of an object in the game. Format is always <domain>:<name>, where <domain> typically represents a mod or datapack ID, and <name> is the specific name for this object. Valid characters are any lowercase letter, any number, -, _, and /. A single : is allowed between the domain and name.

Some JSON specifies resource locations belonging to particular registries:

  • Block: Registry entry in block registry. For example minecraft:stone or tconstruct:cobalt_ore.
  • Item: Registry entry in item registry. For example minecraft:diamond or tconstruct:iron_reinforcement.
    • IFluidHandlerItem: Item that contains a IFluidHandlerItem capability. For example minecraft:bucket or tconstruct:copper_can.
    • IModifiable: Item that implements the IModifiable interface giving it a tool definition. For example tconstruct:axe
    • IMaterialItem: Item that implements the IMaterialItem interface, typically a tool part. For example tconstruct:pickaxe_head.
  • Fluid: Registry entry in fluid registry. For example minecraft:water or tconstruct:molten_iron.
  • Modifier: Registry entry in modifier registry. For example tconstruct:haste or tconstruct:revitalized.
  • MaterialId: Represents a specific material registered through a datapack. See data/<domain>/materials/ for material definitions.
  • Tag: Tag ID for some registry. For example, the item tag forge:ingots/copper or the block tag tconstruct:planklike.


Vanilla recipe input. See Mantle's wiki for more info. In addition to ingredients defined by vanilla or Mantle, Tinkers' Construct defines several new types of ingredients.

Material Ingredient

This ingredient serves two purposes: creating an ingredient that matches a material item with a specific material, and creating an ingredient that matches any material for a material item but displays all material variants in JEI.


  • type (string): Always tconstruct:material.
  • item (Item): Item matched by this ingredient. Should be a material item.
  • tag (Item Tag): Makes the ingredient match any item in this tag.
  • material (MaterialId): If set, the ingredient must have this material. If unset any material is valid and the display list will expand to show all material variants.


Mantle fluid ingredient for recipes taking fluids as input. See Mantle's wiki for keys and more info.


Mantle entity ingredient for recipes taking entities as input. See Mantle's wiki for keys and more info.


Mantle ingredient for an ingredient with a minimum size. See Mantle's wiki for keys and more info.


Mantle result for item outputs in recipes. Supports outputting items both from an item name and from a tag using Mantle's preference. See Mantle's wiki for keys and more info.


Represents a fluid as a recipe output. See Mantle's wiki for keys and more info.


1/20th of a second.


These value types are defined as part of Tinkers' Construct.


Full name and level of a modifier to be added.


  • name (Modifier): Full modifier name.
  • level (integer): Level of the modifier to be added, defaults to 1.


Represents 1 level of the silky modifier:

  "name": "tconstruct:silky"

Represents 2 levels of the leaping modifier:

  "name": "tconstruct:leaping",
  "level": 2


Modifier match is a simple way for a recipe to specify the required modifiers. It supports two forms: entry and list


Same format as ModifierEntry. Represents a single modifier that must be present and the minimum level.

In addition to all the keys specified by the two types, the top level ModifierMatch supports one extra key:

  • error (String): The translation key of the error to shown if the ModifierMatch fails. Only available on the top level.


Matches if the required number of items in the matches.


  • options (array): List of ModifierMatch objects. Can be either an entry or another list.
  • matches_needed (integer): The amount of matches from the list required.
    • Setting to 0 is effectively a Boolean true
    • Setting to 1 is effectively an OR condition
    • Setting to the size of the list is effectively an AND condition
    • Setting to a value larger than the list size is a Boolean false


Matches 2 or more levels of the expanded modifier. Errors with the specified key.

  "name": "tconstruct:expanded",
  "level": 2,
  "error": "recipe.tconstruct.modifier.ender_expander_requirements"

Matches any two of the diamond, emerald, and netherite modifiers:

  "options": [
      "name": "tconstruct:diamond",
      "level": 1
      "name": "tconstruct:emerald",
      "level": 1
      "name": "tconstruct:netherite",
      "level": 1
  "matches_needed": 1,
  "error": "recipe.tconstruct.modifier.gardite_requirements"


Contains information about the modifier slots in a recipe. The format for SlotCount is { "<type>": <slots> } where <type> is the type of modifier slots required, and <slots> is the number of that type needed. At most one type can be specified, if no type is specified the modifier is considered "slotless".

For more information on modifier slots, see Modifier Slot Types


Requires 2 modifier slots of type upgrades:

"slots": {"upgrades": 2}


Represents an item with a random chance and stack size. Can be constant (always returns the given item), range (returns between min and max items), or chance (has a chance percent chance of the result).


  • All keys from ItemOutput
  • chance (float): Number between 0 and 1 for the percent chance of this item.
  • min (integer): Minimum number of items to produce. Maximum will be the count of the item
  • max (integer): Alias for count as min and max looks cleaner than min and count.
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