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Derek Battams edited this page Sep 2, 2015 · 1 revision



Where is the sdepg "local cache"?


It's a single file. To empty the local cache, just delete that file.

Common Issues

I enabled a previously disabled channel on one of my lineups and the channel has "No Data", what gives?

The channel will populate with data after the next pull from Schedules Direct. If Sage has already pulled from SD for today then the local cache will not pull again until SD tells Sage there is new data on the server. This will happen within 24 hours. If you can't wait a day for that channel to populate then delete the local EPG cache and force an EPG update within Sage.

I'm using a single lineup, but copied it to assign to different inputs. The channels I enabled on the lineup copy have "No Data", what gives?

An optimization routine with the plugin to save bandwidth (and processing time) gets confused by this use case. To fix the issue, ignore the "No Data" channels, finish enabling/disabling all your channels on the original lineup and the copy of the lineup. When both lineups are set and complete, remove the local cache of EPG data and force an EPG update. All channels will then fill in with data as expected.

Why is there only X days of data in my EPG (where X < 12)?

So when you're noticing that there isn't that 12-14 days worth of data then you need to investigate why it's happening. It's usually going to be one of three reasons:

A bug in the sdjson grabber app that pulls the raw json data from SD

A bug in the sdepg plugin, which is what imports the raw data into the Sage EPG

Something wrong or expected downtime with the SD service

Here's a quick rundown on how to identify each of these problems:

1. sdjson bug

In the sdepg plugin settings, increase the sdjson grabber logging level to DEBUG then force an EPG udpate. You'll see something like this in your sdepg.log file:

2013-03-06 19:35:58,755 INFO  [EpgDownloader]: [C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java, -Xmx512m, -jar, C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\plugins\sdepg\tools\sdjson.jar, -c, grab, -u, *****, -p, *****, -o, C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\plugins\sdepg\sdjson.epg, -a, sagetv-sdepg/ (Windows XP x86 5.1), -t, 200, -b,, -pc, 50000, -sc, 1000, -l, INFO, -g, C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\plugins\sdepg\ignore.txt]
2013-03-06 19:36:09,849 DEBUG [EpgDownloader]: stdout:
ERROR - Some error message
2013-03-06 19:36:09,849 DEBUG [EpgDownloader]: stderr:
<Hopefully a java stack trace>

So if there's a bug with the sdjson grabber then you'll see the error listed here, hopefully. In fact, you don't even need to increase the logging in this case because if the sdjson grabber fails/dies then that should be caught by sdepg and the output will be logged at the ERROR level instead of the DEBUG level. But you need it set to debug for the other cases anyway.

2. sdepg bug

If you think the error is with the sdepg import of the raw data then you need to increase the plugin's log level to DEBUG (and only DEBUG, don't go to TRACE unless asked to, it will dump tonnes of output). Force an EPG update and have a look for anything obvious. Open a ticket at Google Code and attach the log. Failures/errors should be logged anyway at the ERROR level, but if you're seeing errors then I'm going to ask you to reproduce with the level set to DEBUG so I can get additional info so you might as well do it anyway.

3. SD Service Issue

If you don't see any errors from the sdjson grabber or the sdepg plugin then it could be an issue (or scheduled downtime) with the Schedules Direct JSON service. Again, ensure the log level for the sdjson grabber is set to DEBUG and for an EPG update. Have a loo at the output from the grabber:

2013-03-06 19:35:58,755 INFO  [EpgDownloader]: [C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java, -Xmx512m, -jar, C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\plugins\sdepg\tools\sdjson.jar, -c, grab, -u, *****, -p, *****, -o, C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\plugins\sdepg\sdjson.epg, -a, sagetv-sdepg/ (Windows XP x86 5.1), -t, 200, -b,, -pc, 50000, -sc, 1000, -l, INFO, -g, C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\plugins\sdepg\ignore.txt]
2013-03-06 19:36:09,849 DEBUG [EpgDownloader]: stdout:
INFO - Current zip file contains latest data from Schedules Direct server; use -f to force a new download from server.
2013-03-06 19:36:09,849 DEBUG [EpgDownloader]: stderr:

Notice how the sdjson grabber is reporting that there is no new data available on the SD servers? So that's exactly what's going on, there is no new data available. Obviously this isn't ideal, but not unexpected during this beta phase.

Details of why there is no data is usually available via the status messages received from SD. A future build of this plugin will incorporate those messages into Sage via a Sage system message or some other mechanism. Until then, if you are concerned, you can just ask the sdjson grabber to dump the system details to your command window by running the following command:

cd C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\plugins\sdepg\tools
java -jar sdjson.jar -u <id> -p <pwd> -c info

UserStatus [userId=*****, expires=Thu Dec 26 10:17:22 EST 2013, lastServerRefresh=Mon Feb 25 13:05:12 EST 2013, userMessages=[], systemMessages=[2013-02-22: New data temporarily paused while import routine re-written., 2013-02-22: New data temporarily paused while import routine re-written., 2013-02-22: New data temporarily paused while import routine re-written.], headendInfo={PC:K7P3G6=Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969, 0005995=Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969}, maxLineups=4]

Look for the notifications, they will usually tell you what's going on. Again, a future build of the plugin will alert you to these messages directly in SageTV, removing the need to manually look up the messages.

systemMessages=[2013-02-22: New data temporarily paused while import routine re-written., 2013-02-22: New data temporarily paused while import routine re-written., 2013-02-22: New data temporarily paused while import routine re-written.]