a simple demo to generate php code
clone the resposity
$ git clone https://github.com/Smiler94/code_generate.git
install the dependencies
$ composer install
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use generator\Property;
use generator\Method;
use generator\Classes;
$property = (new Property('test'))
->addComment('a test property')
// ->generate();
echo $property;
$method = (new Method('test'))
->addComment('a test method')
->addComment(' ')
->addComment('@author linzhen 2017-07-03 16:17:02')
->addBody('return true');
echo $method;
$class = (new Classes('Test'))
->addComment('a test class')
$prop = $class->addProperty('prop1', '')
$method = $class->addMethod('method1')
->addComment('a test method')
->addComment(' ')
->addComment('@author linzhen 2017-07-04 09:55:57')
->addBody('return true');
$method2 = $class->addMethod('method2')
->addComment('a test method2')
->addComment(' ')
->addComment('@author linzhen 2017-07-04 09:55:57')
echo $class;