To request a new feature for the discord music bot, you must first create a new GitHub issue that should follow the following format
In case where you want to contribute a new feature yourself, fix any bugs or resolve an Issue...
- Fork the repository
- Clone the forked repository on your system
- Follow the
Set up the project on a local machine
steps from starting from step 3 - Set up syncing from the original repository
git remote add upstream
- Ensure the configuration looks correct.
git remote -v
origin (fetch) origin (push) upstream (fetch) upstream (push)
- Raise a new GitHub issue named "Request Access: " to get access to test the bot locally if you don't have already
- Create a new branch for your contribution with the branch following the relevant format below
To propose a new feature
feat/<feature-name>-<firstname and lastname initials>
For example, to add a new feature for play, you shall create the branch with the name
To fix a bug / resolve an issue If an issue doesn't exist for that bug, then first created a new issue
fix/i<issue-number>-<firstname and lastname initials>
For example, to fix a typo in issue #10, you shall create the branch with the name
To translate
docs/<language>-<firstname and lastname initials>
For example, to add a new translations in English, you shall create the branch with the name
- Make sure you run
npm run format
to let prettier automatically format the files to follow the formatting guidelines - Commit the changes locally and push them to your forked repository
- Before creating a pull request make sure you have completed the following checklist
- Followed the proper guidelines above
- Provided comments to necessary parts of the code
- Properly formatted the code using prettier
- Tested the bot locally and it works fine
- Create a new pull request aiming to merge with the main branch
- The pull request will be reviewed and accepted if there are no bugs and it follows proper formatting guidelines
- Star the Repository
- Follow Kush Gabani's GitHub Profile
- Fork the repository
- Provided at least one of your pull requests is accepted.
Given you already have set up the codebase locally as described in the instructions. Before working on a new feature, make sure you sync your cloned repository with the original parent repository using the following command
git fetch upstream
To hard reset your main branch with the KushGabani/radiokey main:
git reset --hard upstream/main
When adding a new feature, make sure you create a new file for named src/actions/<feature-name>.js
. Inside this file follow the template given below
module.exports = {
aliases: [""], // a list of aliases
category: "<category>", // "core" || "action",
utilization: "@<action-name>",
// sometimes the args paramter may be not be needed.
execute(client, messages, args) {
// TODO: your code goes here