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Encode box

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Encode-box is an asynchronous encoding server. Its goal takes videos/audios/images assets from a remote object storage , mix them into a single video, and upload the resulting video in the same object storage.

This solution is mainly used to mix recording made by Pandora with a video source.


The encode box is meant to be used as a long running process, pulling job from a work queue and deleting it only when the job is done.

The encoding itself is a 4 step process :

  1. A new job is received as an HTTP request containing an encoding job
  2. A job will contains references to assets located in the remote object storage. These assets are downloaded on the local file system
  3. Using FFMPEG, the encoding is performed. While encoding, progress events are emitted on the specified topic of the event broker (see configuration)
  4. Once the encoding is finished, the resulting video is uploaded back onto the remote object storage. All downloaded/created files are deleted after this. architecture

Job format

Encode-box provides two endpoints :

  • POST/OPTIONS /encode : process jobs sychronously
  • GET /healthz : health endpoint. Currently very limited

Sending a new job

A valid job format for the /encode endpoint is the following:

  // Record UUID
  "recordId": string,
  // Storage backend retrieval keys for all videos tracks
  // Storage backend retrieval keys for all audio tracks
  // Storage backend retrieval keys for the image track
  // All available options for encoding
   // Wether to delete used assets (videoKey, audioKeys and ImageKey) 
   // from the remote object storage. Default is false
    "deleteAssetsFromObjStore": boolean 

A valid job is either :

  • 1 video, 1 or more audio(s) and 0 image. In which case :
    • The audios tracks will be concatenated
    • The resulting concatenated audio track will be mixed with the video input audio track, using FFMPEG's sidechannel so that the concatenated audio can always over the video input audio
    • The result will use the video input video and the mixed audio
  • 0 video, 1 or more audio(s) and 1 image. In which case :
    • The audios tracks will be concatenated
    • The result will use the looped image as the video track and the concatenated audio as the audio track
  • 0 video, 1 or more audio(s) and 0 image. In which case :
    • The audios tracks will be concatenated
    • The result will use a black background as the video track and the concatenated audio as the audio track

Be aware that this endpoint is entirely synchronous, a 200 OK response will only be fired after the encoding itself finished. Depending on your hardware, this can be a multiple hours operation.

This is made this way to only acknowledge a message in the input message queue after we made sure the job has completed successfully.

Progress event

While encoding, if any event broker is configured, the encode-box will periodically send progress events

    // Record id of the currently processed record
    recordId: string,
    // Either 0 -> "In progress", 1 -> "Done", 2 -> "Error"
    state: iota,
    // Depends on the encode state
    data: <> 

While in progress, the data attribute will contains the following attributes

    // Number of total frames processed
    frames: int64,
    // Number of frames processed each second
    fps: int,
    // FFMPEG "q" factor 
    quality: float32,
    // Estimated size of the converted file (kb)
    size: int64,
	// Total processed time
    time: Duration,
    // Target bitrate
    bitrate: string,
    // Encoding speed. A "2" means 1 second of encoding would be a 2 seconds playback
    speed: float32

If the encode state is Done, data will be empty. If the encode state is Error, data will contains the error string.


The following env variables can be sued to configure encode-box:

  • OBJECT_STORE_NAME (required) : Name of the object storage Dapr component to use
  • PUBSUB_NAME (optional) : Name of the dapr pubsub component to use. If not defined, progress event won't be fired.
  • PUBSUB_TOPIC_PROGRESS (optional) : Name of topic to send progress event into. Default to encoding-state.


Dapr is used to decouple the backing services from their implementations. As the resulting code is non specific, any compatible Pub/Sub solution or object storage solution can be used with this project.

Sample dapr components, used for local development, are located in the dapr/components directory.

Binding with a message queue

To retrieve messages from a queue, a declarative subscription is used.

# dapr/components/subscribe-to-queue.yml
# Creates a new subscription...
kind: Subscription
  # ... called encode-sub...
  name: encode-sub
  # ...which forwards messages published in the topic "encodings"...
  topic: encodings
  # ... of the queue "message-queue" ...
  pubsubname: message-queue
  # .. to the "/encode" endpoint...
  route: /encode
# Of the following services
  - encode-box


On memory consumption

For the time being, Dapr doesn't support streaming. This means that both the application and the sidecar have to buffer the files retrieved from the object storage in memory, as base64 strings.

Hence, the maximum memory the service can allocate is : 2 * 4/3 * [size of assets]


Although meant to be deployed on Kubernetes, a sample deployment using docker-compose is located here.

Local development


To run the project, the following are required :

GO      >= 1.18
FFMPEG  >= 4.3.2