Dogs App is an individual project where I use the whole concepts and technologies that we have been learning in Herny Bootcamp. Here some details and information...
✔Users functionalities: -Look all the breed dogs, created and from the api rest (The Dog Api) -Filter by temperament -Search by name -Create a new breed dog -Sort by weight -Sort alphabetically
🔹Technologies used: ReactJS -NodeJS- ReduxJS -JavaScript -PosgresSQL -Express -Sequalize -CSS
First you'll have to clone this repository in a folder in your computer, then you'll have to open your console in that directory and:
- cd api
- npm install
- npm start
This will start the back-end server on your localhost:3001/
Then you must go back to the root directory of the project and:
- cd client
- npm install
- npm start
This will start the app on your localhost:3000
Aditionally you'll have to create your local SQL database called 'food' in order to store your own dogs.