Here there is a concept of basic structure for the Polyhedron, implementation can be improved with more time but it works, the important is the structure and the algorithm to enumerate the tiles.
- – Preserve position and adjacent tiles when possible
- – Preserve distance from pentagons also if the polyhedron expands
- – Best possible granularity: you can chose any polyhedron size, both even and odd
- – Keep things symmetric when possible
- – The Goldberg polyhedron has 12 pentagons numerated from 0 to 11, each pentagon is linked to his 5 neighbors
- – Each pentagon has 5 sectors, each sector is identified by the numbers of the 3 corner pentagons
- – Each sectors (owned by a pentagon) don’t contains all the hexagons of that triangular area but only the ones owned by the current pentagon. The algorithm to split the hexagons is described after.
- – Note that with this structure sectors are repeated 3 times (one for each corner pentagon). But hexagons are never repeated. Each sector is actually containing a third of the whole sector (maybe we should rename them “sector parts ”).
Each tile is identified from the pentagon that owns it (0-11), the sector of the pentagon it is into (0-5), number of left steps from the pentagon and number of right steps . note that each hexagon has 3 or more identification possible following this method but only one with a fixed pentagon. How do we chose the pentagon:
- 1. shortest path is better
- 2. path with more left steps is better
- 3. pentagon with lower id is better
P. S. Sectors are created firs and then divided in 3 to facilitate the process of finding the adjacent tiles.