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SoundTree is a music discovery platform that allows users to find associated genres of their favorites and their respective songs. It also contains a forum to interact with others, and a latest news page to make it a single source that users will love to frequent often.


Fork this repository, then clone your fork of this repository.

You need TWO terminals for this.

In one terminal, run bundle to install the dependencies. You will be required to create a .env file containing a CLIENT_ID, and SECRET_ID which you can obtain from the spotify API page. Run bin/rake db:setup to create the databases (called rails_project_development by default). Run bin/rails s to run the server.

In the other terminal, cd into client. Run npm install. In the client directory, you will also be required to create a .env file containing a CLIENT_ID, and SECRET_ID which you can obtain from the spotify API page. Then run npm start and go to localhost:3000 in your browser.

Music can be played by obtaining a token from the Spotify API and inserting it into the .env file inside the client directory.

Final Product

"Screenshot of home page" "Screenshot of home page-2" "Screenshot of home page-3" "Screenshot of discover page" "Screenshot of discover page-2" "Screenshot of forum page" "Screenshot of forum page-2" "Screenshot of profile page" "Screenshot of latest page"


  • Axios
  • Classnames
  • Normalize.css
  • React
  • React-dom
  • React-scripts
  • Node-sass
  • Prop-types
  • React-test-renderer


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