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This is just a silly project aimed towards quick prototyping and educational purposes. The idea is to enable anyone with only a little familarity with Bash and no knowledge of traditional server-side programming languages such as JS, Go, Python etc., quickly and easily setup a basic rate-limited API or http/1.1 server. Everything is pretty basic. The rate_limiter, for example, simply limits to 1 request per n seconds where n is provided by you.
The main components are bundled inside the src/
directory. The etc/
directory contains some essential statically-linked and hence portable binaries of programs that may or may not be needed for your purposes. examples/
contains handler script(s) for demo and testing. Use these with src/server
- see demo below.
Everything is self-documented. If anything is still unclear, write to me.
A simple echo server
to project directorysrc/server -p 8080 -s 6 'examples/echo_handler'
- Test it with:
curl localhost:8080
or by opening http://localhost:8080 in a browser.