Chrozone is a Discord bot which provides epoch- and other time-related utilities via slash commands.
Chrozone is written in Rust. It uses the built-in Cargo package manager to build the project and its dependencies. Some automation scripts are also written in TypeScript, which requires the Deno runtime. Before proceeding, please ensure that the appropriate toolchains have been installed.
We must now register Chrozone's available slash commands. A dedicated Deno script automates this process for us. To invoke the script, the host must provide some credentials (obtained from the Discord Developer Portal) via the environment variables below.
Required? | Name | Category | Description |
✔ | APP_ID |
Discord | Sets the application ID to be used for authentication with the Discord API. 1 |
✔ | TOKEN |
Discord | Sets the bot token to be used for authentication with the Discord API.1 |
❌ | GUILD_ID |
Discord | Sets whether we must register as guild commands (if present) or global commands (otherwise). |
# Set required environment variables.
# Ensure that the slash commands are registered beforehand.
deno run --allow-net --allow-env scripts/commands.ts
Once the commands have been registered, the executable then expects additional environment variables to be present before it initializes the server.
Required? | Name | Category | Description |
✔ | PORT |
Network | Configures the port at which we will bind the server's TCP socket. |
✔ | PUB_KEY |
Discord | Sets the public key of the bot.1 Must contain 64 hexadecimal characters. Used for validating webhooks from Discord. |
# Set required environment variables.
# Builds and runs the executable. The server binds
# to a TCP socket address `` at some `PORT`.
cargo run --release
May be retrieved from the application page. See the Discord Developer Portal. ↩ ↩2 ↩3