Supplemental evil-mode key-bindings to Emacs markdown-mode. This is inspired by and but for markdown.
- Bindings for navigation between heading
- Bindings for promotion / demotion of heading
- markdown-element text objects
key | explanation |
M-ret | insert heading |
TAB | fold / unfold headings |
gh, gj, gk, gl | navigate between elements |
M-h or >> | promote a heading |
M-l or << | demote a heading |
M-k | move subtree up |
M-j | move subtree down |
vae | select an element |
dae | delete an element |
- markdown-mode,
- evil-mode,
mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/plugins; git clone git:// ~/.emacs.d/plugins/evil-markdown
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/plugins/evil-markdown")
(require 'evil-markdown)
Gnu General Public License v3.0, http://www.gnu.markdown/copyleft/gpl.html