A book browsing site utilizing the GoogleBooksAPI and attempted to implement GoogleOAuth account login. The initial idea for this site was to create a platform similar to goodreads but an emphasis on user groups for hypothetical class room usage in primary/secondary schools. Users can make 'notes' on a book with content such as an explanation to confusing symbolism within the book or abstract connections to the real world - all voted upon by other users to allow for a publicly enforced accountability of quality 'notes'. This would make it easier for students to grasp the ideas of complicated books, inspired by my own struggles to read *"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" in high school. Teachers could assign a students a book and answer student questions sent to them or view sidenotes written by students to discuss in class.
As this was my first coding project, I was a little ambitious to say the least. API's were already outside of the curriculum and there was only a week available to complete this project so it is currently a fluid book browsing site utilizing GoogleBooksAPI with 'note cards' loading templates. Users can search by title or author name, with results appearing in a modal to minimize page reloading. All API filled information is pre-loaded with loading bars for a smoother UX.
Long term I would like for this to reach across media types. Especially into the podcasting realm - in which you can listen to snippets of a podcast or actionable highlights or insightful tips from a particular episode.
There could be NLP processing to find the most common words or phrases associated with a book/sentiment analysis/and an evaluation of the level of truth involved in claims made in the content.