Named Entity Recognizer for Arabic
This tool preprocess and annonate arabic texts : predict part-of-speech tags, splits off words to separe the basic form and proclitics and annonate arabic named entities. Our tool predict LOC, PERS and ORG entities. Details of this work are presented in:
Souhir Gahbiche-Braham, Hélène Bonneau-Maynard, François Yvon. Traitement automatique des entités nommées en arabe : détection et traduction. TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues), 54(2):101-132, 2014. []
If you use NERAr for research purpose, please use the following citation:
title={Traitement automatique des entit{\'e}s nomm{\'e}es en arabe: d{\'e}tection et traduction},
author={Gahbiche-Braham, Souhir and Bonneau-Maynard, H{\'e}l{\`e}ne and Yvon, Fran{\c{c}}ois},
For any information, bug reports or comments, contact: souhir.gahbiche[at] or souhir.gahbiche[at]
To use NERAr:
1- Please install the Wapiti toolkit
2- Place the NERAr directory in the Wapiti directory.
3- Unzip the two models and
1- cd ~/wapiti/NERAr
2- ./ arabic_filename
If NERAr cannot run correctly or the loading of model does not succeeds, please unzip the model and replace "modelPOS+SEG-final-0.1.crf" by "modelPOS+SEG.light.crf" in the file ""
arabic_filename.norm.pos contains the part-of-speech tags for each word in the resulting file.result is the transliterated text using Buckwalter scheme.
arabic_filename.wap contains the predictions for each word in the text
arabic_filename.tagsENen annotated file using IOB annotation
arabic_filename.TOdecode is a resulting preprocessed file with proposed translations extracted from bilingual dictionaries. This file can be processed with the Moses decoder using exclusive and inclusive options.
arabic_filename.sansbalises is a resulting preprocessed file without any annotation