- GOAL: Provide automated web browsing to validate web application.
- HOW: By leveraging Selenium web automation, TestNG as the execution test framework, Maven for Building Project and ExtentReport for Detailed Report.
- Selenium 4.0
- TestNG 7.7.1
- Extent Reports
- Maven M2E 3.8.7
- Java SDK 8 or above
- Java JRE 1.7 and above
- WebDriver Manager 4.3.1
- Log4J for Logs collection
- Page Object Model Implementation
- ChromeWebDriver, Firefox, Opera, Edge.
- Install Java 8 or above in local machine, setup environment variable as JAVA_HOME,
- Install Maven in local machine, and GIT Bash if using Terminal for Cloning the project.
- The instructions to install and run the web automation suite can be found [here].
- Install IntelliJ or Eclipse IDE with M2E Intgeration.
- Connet GIT and clone the project and creat one local branch.
- Define VM Option as -Denv="QA/UAT/PROD"
- Mention TestNG.xml runner and configure by clicking on Edit run/debug config and select TestNG Suite. if wanna run custom class select TestNG/runner class and mention which class to run.