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Troubleshooting FAQs

kmcnaught edited this page May 2, 2018 · 20 revisions

When I try to install or run EyeMine I see a Smart Screen warning saying that EyeMine is an unrecognised and potentially dangerous application.

Due to the fact that EyeMine is a new application Windows will warn people installing it that it may not be trustworthy. Don't worry - it doesn't mean that the installer you are using has been compromised. Click "MORE INFO" and then "RUN ANYWAY" and the installation/run will continue normally.

When I try to download, install or run EyeMine my virus scanner complains that EyeMine may be a virus

It isn't. Some overly zealous virus scanners mistake the keyboard simulation logic in EyeMine for a keylogger, but there is no nasty stuff in the code (which is all available anyway as the project is 100% open-source).

I want a faster/slower dwell time

The dwell settings can be configured in the EyeMine settings menu. Right click on EyeMine to launch the Settings, select Pointing & Selecting -> Selection -> change Key fixation time to complete (ms). You can also configure it to use a switch instead of dwell, as detailed in Using switches

I'm moving too fast

If you're spinning round really fast when using "Look with Gaze" (for instance you are always looking at the sky or the ground) then it's likely you are running the wrong version of Minecraft. You need to select the Forge version with the EyeGaze mod installed. To test, hit Escape -> Mod Options and see if the EyeGaze mod is in the list. If it's not, close Minecraft and start again, making sure you select "forge" in the Minecraft Launcher before hitting the big green PLAY button.

If you are spinning round a little too fast (or too slowly) in Minecraft while using "Look with Gaze", you can decrease/increase sensitivity with the left/right arrow keys on a physical keyboard.

If you are walking too fast (or too slowly) you can decrease/increase the walking speed with down/up arrow keys on a physical keyboard.

When I look at Minecraft, it exits the game and enters the Minecraft menu.

If you are using your eye tracker to control your mouse using your eye tracker's software (for instance EyeMousePlay with MyGaze) then make sure it is not configured to click on dwell. You need to only control the mouse cursor position, with no click actions.

Minecraft is slow or glitchy

See Graphics settings for some tips.

When I place a block, it disappears/When I mine a block, it reappears.

  • If you just created a new world, Minecraft may be busy creating/loading everything. Wait a couple of minutes while Minecraft loads and try again.
  • If you just opened an existing world, wait a while while it loads.
  • If you are playing over a network, your connection may be too slow. Wait a few minutes to allow it to catch up, or check your connection speed.

If this is occurring often, you may want to turn down your Graphics settings (even if the graphics look okay)

Once I’m looking at the floor I can’t look up again

Make sure you're moving your eyes, not your head! Look at the Minecraft screen between the centre crosshair and the top of the Minecraft window and let it drag your view up again.

I keep spinning round when I look at the EyeMine keyboard

This probably means you are playing the wrong version of Minecraft. You need to select the Forge version with the EyeGaze mod installed. To test, hit Escape -> Mod Options and see if the EyeGaze mod is in the list. If it's not, close Minecraft and start again, making sure you select "forge" in the Minecraft Launcher before hitting the big green PLAY button.

Why does night time never come?

When you create a new world with the EyeMine mod installed, it automatically changes some world settings to make eye gaze playing simpler. If you are more experienced, you may wish to change them back. See Game settings.

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