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LSAM - Linux Systemd Application Manager


An application manager for Linux servers

It will allow you to manage NodeJS, Python, Java, .NET, Go...and more applications under Linux distributions using systemd.


  • Any Linux distribution based on systemd service management system.

We provide packages for most popular Linux distributions


  • Application creation wizard
  • Application power commands
  • Backup and restore utilities
  • Import/Export system

Commands list

Command Description
lsam help Displays the list of commands
lsam list Displays the list of applications
lsam info <app> Displays information about an application
lsam logs <app> Shows the journal file of the app's service
lsam create Launches the app creation wizard
lsam start <app> Starts the application
lsam restart <app> Restarts the application
lsam stop <app> Stops the application
lsam kill <app> Kills the application's process
lsam autostart on/off <app> Enables or disables application's launch at startup
lsam root on/off <app> Enables or disables application's root privileges
lsam mainfile <app> <file> Changes the application's main file
lsam rename <app> <new-name> Changes the application's name
lsam delete <app> Deletes an application
lsam backup <app> Creates a backup of an application
lsam backup-all Creates a backup of every application
lsam list-backups Gets a list of all the apps's backups
lsam list-backups <app> Gets a list of all the backups os a specific application
lsam delete-backup <name> Deletes a backup of an app
lsam restore-backup <name> Restores a backup of an app
lsam export <app> <archive>? Exports an application in a tar.gz archive
lsam import <archive> Imports a tar.gz archive of an lsam application

NB : <arg> is a necessary argument whereas <arg>? is not.

Used open-source libraries

Compilation dependencies

gcc g++ glibc-static libstdc++-static