This program is a minimalistic command line pastebin designed to be used
with ssh
reads from stdin and writes data to a temporary file
(no arguments) or a named one (one argument). It then prints the URL
pointing to the paste.
Anything else (deleting temporary files, for example) is up to the user
to implement. You could use something like this in your crontab
0 */6 * * * find /var/www/paste/t/ -type f -mmin +360 -delete
Use make install
Keep in mind that keening
is supposed to be installed on the host that will
be serving the pastes.
You can also use the ebuild in vehk/pramantha.
emerge --info | ssh $host keening
ls -l | ssh $host keening persistent-paste
Edit config.h
and rebuild.
for licensing information. The short version: keening is released under BSD-3
This is software is written by Wolfgang Müller, all credits go to him.