You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.
Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.
WordPress is an easy to use and learn cms and ideal for small business teams who require minimal design and want to incurr minimal cost.
WordPress platform is easy for beginners and advanced users alike. Should I deal platform upon which to build dynamic, responsive web design for a small business.
Suitable Industries include hair salons, real estate agents, cafes, restaurants, legal and finance profession, industry, business retail.
The backend of WordPress easy to learn and master. a small business it is easy to create quality content and publish it to social media. WordPress also allows other rich media such as video, and dynamic graphics and audio.
Small business looking to get started quick can have templates cold and plugins activated create effective mobile responsive designs.
These designs look great on any device. As an open source platform WordPress is great for those who want to modify and customise their small business websites through WordPress.
A range of plugins exist including those that will help with sliders, graphics, video, external source code and websites.
Sites that show you how to do stuff, usually with demos.
Articles and Resources (or links to resources), some graphic design stuff, News and the occasional tutorial.