Milkman is a Python library built for generating requirement-based, intelligent and random data for database ORM's. It was built to be extremely extensible and easy to use, while remaining database agnostic. Currently the only implementation included is for MongoEngine.
Milkman is based of this project by the same name. The original library was built around the Django ORM and was very minimalistic, this rewrite was intended to extend on the core ideas while allowing a large range of ORM's and fields with a smart interface for extendability.
Milkman detects the structure of an ORM model, and based on a "registry" (a default one is provided, and is editable or overwritable by the user) fills (or ignores) the fields inside the model with randomly generated data.
Implemented Fields: Int, Float, Decimal, Bool, Date, Time, Datetime, String, URL, Email, List, Dict (generic), Map, Embedded (through recursive detection), ObjectID (if specified by user)
Fork into a feature branch, submit a pull request, and profit!
from milkman.dairy import *
from mongoengine import *
from my_models import User
def fill_customers(rows):
truck = getDairyTruck()
truck.registry.addByField("custom_value", IntGenerator(length=4, astype=str))
truck.rows = 500
[ for i in truck.deliver(User)]