A Spring-Boot-Example with an unlimted an easy to configure HSQL file based permanent database
From time to time I need more than one independet und permanent databases to
- see whats going on in my tables during first steps of a new project
- try out my XA-Transactions
- do some rapid prototyping with permanent data
Spring-Boot Autoconfigure just provide only one database out of the box, if that is enough for you, stop reading.. to all the others ... feel free
- Just clone the source
- Edit FileDatabaseConfig and add your DataBaseServer with different ConfigurationProperties
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "cool.database")
public HSQLFileDatabaseServer coolDataBase() {
return new HSQLFileDatabaseServerImpl(); // thats all, instantiate and starts the server
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "foo.database")
public HSQLFileDatabaseServer fooDataBase() {
return new HSQLFileDatabaseServerImpl(); // thats all, instantiate and starts the server
- edit the application.properties and add the values
# Cool-Database
# Foo Database
put the sql-scripts in your classpath (main\resources)
Start the Spring-Boot Application an take a closer look at the log-File, the connection-String is there
Your JDBC-Connection-String: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://mydomain:4000/COOL_DB
- so start your favorite database tool, cut&paste the jdbc-connection String and see whats happens or use the DataSource-Bean in your code.
Take a closer look at the JUnit-Tests to see how to get the Datasource bind to your configured HSQLDatabaseServer
...to the real cool employees of https://www.codecentric.de/