- For Linux:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_13.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
- For Mac:
brew install node
Install the community edition here.
npm install -g create-react-app
Install Docker Desktop app
- Run Docker Desktop App
- Run - docker-compose build
- Run - docker-compose up
Navigate to http://localhost:3001/ in your browser.
- Registration takes two types and produces fields accordingly
- Email is unique , so registration checks if the email already present
- Login checks for the unique email in both vendor and buyer
- After successful login , you go to your respective dashboards
- Profile is extracted via the unique email and is open to edit
- Search contains the various search and filter options -> Fuzzy Search is done instead of the regular search , various filters are filter via Shop , Tags , Type(VEG/NV) etc
- Food list is implemented in the Items as required
- For each fooditem , the buyer can choose the quantity and multiple addons to buy
- The wallet is implemented as mentioned and is present at the top right corner
- My orders Page is made as required with the exception of Rating
- Profile is extracted via the unique email and is open to edit
- Menu is implemented as mentioned with the options to edit and delete -> edit takes you to a new page to edit teh fooditem
- Dashboard , with the mentioned status requirements are successfully implemented
- the statistics page is implemented as req , displaying the item names of the top 5 food sold , which is taken according to their quantity of purchase as well
- A vendor can have only 10 items at the accepeted and cooking stage
- Fuzzy Search as mentioned
- Email, where the email is sent to the customer if the vendor either accepts or rejects the order