Scripts you won't run
Libraries you won't import
Sources you won't compile
Just because
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Don't fork this rep
It won't work for you
nasm -f elf64 name.asm && gcc name.o -o name && ./name
fibonacci calculates the nth value of the fibonacci series for two given initial values
bashup manages your local backups
gitbak backs up your repositories
dwl manages your downloads
client-server is a basic skeleton for client/server projects
transport optimizes transportation of products to meet demands in time
mergesort is a multithreaded implementation of the mergesort algorithm
makefile-c-c++ is the Makefile I use to compile the cpp projects
filehash allows you to manage files thanks to their md5 hexdigests
fractal creates images of fractals from affine coordinate transformations with given probability distributions