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Un outil de candidature simplifiée intégrable à d'autres applications


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Je Postule, par Pôle emploi

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🇫🇷 Je Postule est un outil de candidature simplifiée pour les demandeurs d'emploi et de réponse aux candidatures pour les employeurs. Je Postule peut être intégré à de nombreuses applications, comme La Bonne Boite (entreprises fortement susceptibles d'embaucher), La Bonne Alternance (toutes les entreprises qui recrutent regulièrement en alternance) ou Memo (toutes vos candidatures en un clin d'œil).

🇬🇧 Je Postule ("I apply") allows job seekers to apply directly and quickly to companies, which in turn can provide quick answers to applications. Je Postule can be integrated to many applications, such as La Bonne Boite (companies likely to hire in the coming months), La Bonne Alternance (companies that are apprenticeship-friendly) ou Memo (your personal job application dashboard).

How does it work?

On partner websites, the user can click on "Je Postule" buttons for each displayed company. An application iframe is then inserted in the partner website, where users can fill their personal details and add attachments (resume, application letter, etc.). The application email is then sent directly to the company with links to quick answers: "Let's meet", "Application rejected", "You're hired", etc. Job seekers can follow each step of the process with personalised emails.




Python dependencies should be installed in a virtual environment:

virtualenv --python=python3.6 ./venv
source venv/bin/activate

Setup the local environment

pip install -r requirements/base.txt
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
npm install
make services
make test
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser
./ runserver
./ consumetopics all
./ dequeuedelayed

You will find details about these steps and useful config in the Install section below.

Check that the local install works by running the tests

make test
make test-e2e-local

Finally follow the steps if the section Manually testing the user path to see the project work locally.


System dependencies

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt install make postgresql-client-common python3 python3-virtualenv python3-pip

Running 3rd-party services

Je Postule depends on several services. To start these services, run:

make services
  • Postgres: the SQL database is used for storage of data with strong resilience constraints, such as users, failed tasks, etc.
  • Kafka: a messaging queue to process tasks asynchronously. Messages are sorted in different topics and processed by consumers.
  • Redis: we use this key-value store to enforce per-address email rate limits. There is no strong resilience constraint on the data stored in redis.

Environment-specific settings

Some settings that are likely to vary between deploys can be configured through environment variables:


export POSTGRES_PORT='5433'
export POSTGRES_DB='jepostule'
export POSTGRES_USER='jepostule'

export REDIS_HOST='localhost'
export REDIS_PORT='6380'
export REDIS_DB='0'

export KAFKA_PORT='9092'
export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS='localhost:9092'

export ZOOKEEPER_PORT='2181'

export JEPOSTULE_PORT='8000'

Find them in config/settings and choose your environment:

  • default file when running runserver. Also used as a basis when activating another environment.
  • use it to activate the debug mode locally and have access to the Django debug toolbar.
  • tests-specific configuration.
  • end-to-end tests-specific configuration.
  • an example of a settings file to be used in production.
  • used in production and when using Dockerfile to build Docker images. Ignored by git.

There's a make command for each environment!

  • make run starts a server with the default configuration.
  • make debug starts a server with debug mode activated.
  • make test runs unit tests.
  • make test-e2e-local runs end-to-end tests (Selenium tests).

Database migrations

Apply SQL migrations and create Kakfa topics:

make migrate


Unit tests

Run unit tests:

make test

Run unit tests with code coverage:

make test-coverage

End-to-end tests with Selenium

They simulate user behavior on Je Postule. More precisely, here are the tested scenarios:

  • A job seeker applies for a job. He fills out the form, attaches a resume and clicks on the final button. A mail is sent both to the recruiter and to the job seeker.
  • A recruiter proposes an interview to a candidate. A recruiter fills out the form. Then an email is sent to the job seeker.
  • A recruiter needs further information about an application. A recruiter fills out the form. Then an email is sent to the job seeker.
  • A recruiter rejects an application. A recruiter fills out the form. Then an email is sent to the job seeker.

They are located in this folder. To run them, just type make test-e2e-local.

Before you run end-to-end tests for the first time, make sure you changed the following settings in config/settings/

MAILJET_API_KEY = os.environ.get('MAILJET_API_KEY', "set_me")
MAILJET_API_SECRET = os.environ.get('MAILJET_API_SECRET', "set_me")

# Inbox to send emails to.

MEMO_API_SECRET = os.environ.get('MEMO_API_SECRET', 'set_me')

📨 Mails are really sent to the inbox specified in the settings. After running those tests, you should have received 5 emails.

ℹ️ If you'd like Selenium to open the browser and show different steps of user interaction, just set RUN_HEADLESS to 'False'.

👉 To know more about the process of sending emails, read the bash script starting and stopping required services that make this feature work.


⚠️ If you don't receive any email, it means that either you have a problem with your email address or Kafka is having troubles unstacking the queue. Here is what you can do:

  • read nohup.out, the file logging Kafka consumers. If there's a bug in a task performed by Kafka, it should be written down there.
  • read the console output carefully. You should see a table like this one:
# send-answer         0          3               3               0     kafka-python-id /     kafka-python-1.4.6
# send-confirmation   0          1               1               0     kafka-python-id /     kafka-python-1.4.6
# send-application    0          1               1               0     kafka-python-id /     kafka-python-1.4.6
# forward-to-memo     0          1               1               0     kafka-python-id /     kafka-python-1.4.6
# forward-to-ami      0          1               1               0     kafka-python-id /     kafka-python-1.4.6
# process-email-event 0          -               0               -     kafka-python-id /     kafka-python-1.4.6

Make sure CURRENT-OFFSET and LOG-END-OFFSET match. If they don't, it means messages were not consumed.

Topics by tests:

  • produces 4 different messages sent to 4 different topics (1 per topic): send-application (sends an email to the recruiter), send-confirmation (sends an email to the job seeker), forward-to-memo and forward-to-ami.
  • produces 1 message sent to send-answer (sends an answer to the job seeker).
  • produces 1 message sent to send-answer (sends an answer to the job seeker).
  • produces 1 message sent to send-answer (sends an answer to the job seeker).
Kafka GUI

You can download a GUI to dive into Kafka and have a better view of its operating. Locally, we recommend Conduktor, a very simple to use GUI. Note that, in our project, it does not work to investigate Kafka troubles in production. Read the private repo for a workaround.

🐧 For Linux users: You'll need to install Java before running Conduktor. When it's done, type this command: java -jar path-to-archive/Conduktor-1.0.jar (replace by the archive name you downloaded on Conduktor's website).

Manually testing the user path


The home page should redirect you to the embed demo page (useful to test if your installation worked!). To make it work, you must:

  • create a client platform (see section Create client platform)
  • add these parameters to the demo page URL: client_id and client_secret.

Example: /embed/demo/?client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>

In production

You can't create a client platform in production! Just ask one of your colleagues for the following credentials:

  • client_id
  • client_secret

This is useful to test the emailing service as you will receive the emails sent both to the job seeker and to the recruiter.

Test url:<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>&candidate_email=<your_email>&employer_email=<your_email>.

Running a local development server

make run

You can then view a demo of Je Postule at However, this will return a 404 unless you create a demo user (see below).

Updating requirements

Python dependencies must be declared in requirements/, or After modifying these files, the requirements list must be recompiled:

make compile-requirements

Application attachments

A user can attach one or many files to his application (a resume, a cover letter, ...). They are stored in Kafka and deleted 30 days after their sending. For more details, see kafka/bin/ To know how to debug application attachments, read this section.


Admin user creation

./ createsuperuser

Client platform creation

Client platforms, such as La Bonne Boite, Memo, etc. can be created and updated from the command line:

./ createclientplatform lbb

The client ID and secret are then printed to stdout. To access the demo, create a demo user:

./ createclientplatform demo

Running asynchronous tasks

A lot of jepostule code is executed asynchronously by "consumers". For instance, email sending will not be performed until you consume messages. To do so, you must run the consumetopics command:

➭ ./ consumetopics -h
usage: consumetopics topics [topics ...]

Consume asynchronous tasks

positional arguments:
  topics                Topics to process. Specify 'all' to consume all
                        existing topics.

For instance, in parallel to runserver, you could run:

./ consumetopics all

Error handling in asynchronous tasks is critical: application emails must be guaranteed to be sent with minimal delay. Whenever a task failure occurs, an error log is produced and the failed task is stored in SQL. Those failed tasks can be viewed in the Django admin interface: Note that you will have to create an admin user to access this interface.

Re-processing delayed tasks

Some tasks may be delayed for rate-limiting reasons. For instance, a user may not send too many emails per second. In such cases, a delayed message is created in the database. These delayed message must be re-emitted, when it's time. To do so, run the dequeuedelayed command:

➭ ./ dequeuedelayed -h
usage: dequeuedelayed [-d FAIL_DELAY]

Re-emit delayed messages

optional arguments:
  -d FAIL_DELAY, --fail-delay FAIL_DELAY
                        In case a message fails be re-emitted, re-emit it with
                        this delay (in seconds). Defaults to 10 minutes.

Failed tasks

Sometimes, tasks fail for several reasons. You can see a list of them in the Django Admin and choose different actions to apply. The most common one, and the one we advised SAVers to do in their daily routine, is to delete and retry them. This way, the task is deleted and a new one is created. If it continues to fail, you probably have a bug! ;-)

Debugging attachments from job applications

The forwardattachments command will email the attachments associated to a specific job application to the right email addresses:

➭ ./ forwardattachments --help
usage: forwardattachments job_application_id emails [emails ...]

Find a specific job application and forward attachments for debugging
purposes. Note that the attachments may not be found if they were removed from the
Kafka queue.

positional arguments:
  job_application_id    Job application to find
  emails                Email addresses to send attachments to

Dump job application answers to csv

➭ ./ dumpanswers --help
usage: dumpanswers client_id dst

Dump answer information with related job application to CSV.

positional arguments:
  client_id             Platform client ID of the platform (e.g: 'lbb')
  dst                   Destination csv file path

Django administration

Je Postule has a content management system powered by Django at this address: <domain-name>/admin. It displays several informations about applications made with Je postule and is used daily by SAVers.

Django admin home page

Je Postule Auth:

  • Client platforms: platforms able to use Je Postule services.

Je Postule Pipeline:

  • Answer interviews: answers made by recruiters to applications and leading to interviews.
  • Answer rejection: refusals made by recruiters to applications.
  • Answer request infos: answers by recruiters asking for more information about applications.
  • Answers: all kind of answers.
  • Job application events: list of all status changes made to applications (application sent, refusal, ...)
  • Job applications: applications list. Very useful to see applications details (email content, status, job seeker information, ...)


Email delivery services

Emails are a very important part of Je Postule. Here is when they are sent:

  • If a job seeker checks "I want to receive a copy of my application".
  • After an application, a mail is sent to the recruiter.
  • If an answer is made by the recruiter (interview proposal, refusal or further information needed), a mail is sent to the job seeker.

Two services are available: Django and Mailjet (see Services list). The default one is Django.

Sending emails in production

In production, we use Mailjet to manage emails. Ask one of your coworkers for the credentials and then change the settings:


👉 To receive emails in your inbox and see what they look like, you can to use this trick.

🎨 The email sent to a recruiter (after an application is made) is based on a Mailjet template editable in their platform (click on "Transactional" > "My transactional models" in the main menu). Its ID is a global variable editable in the settings.

Raw emails vs emails based on Mailjet templates

Historically all emails where prepared by the application and sent to Mailjet to be sent as is, not using any Mailjet template at all.

For some reason (AB testing of different email versions IIRC) we implemented using Mailjet template for one of our emails, the one sent to a recruiter after an application is made.

This is the only email to date using a Mailjet template.

If Mailjet limits your account

Mailjet can decide to restrict the number of emails your account can send if it thinks you don't follow their guidelines (French guidelines - English guidelines).

You need to contact their support team to cancel this limit.

Here is an email example (in French):


Je vous contacte en tant que développeur du service JePostule de Ce service permet aux demandeurs d'emploi de candidater spontanément via le service à des entreprises qui les intéressent. JePostule permet un échange par email entre le demandeur d'emploi et l'entreprise à laquelle il candidate spontanément.

Nous utilisons votre service Mailjet pour envoyer ces emails entre le demandeur d'emploi et les recruteurs, entre lesquels nous jouons le rôle d'intermédiaire facilitateur.

J'insiste sur le fait que nous n'envoyons aucune campagne d'emailing ou autre newsletter. Tous les emails envoyés via votre service sont des échanges en temps réel entre un candidat et un recruteur qui aboutissent régulièrement à des entretiens et des embauches.

99% des jours de l'année notre taux de mise en spam reste très en dessous du seuil de 0.08%. Mais exceptionnellement et en dehors de notre contrôle il peut arriver qu'un utilisateur nous marque comme spam suite à une mauvaise compréhension de notre service. C'est probablement ce qui est arrivé le <date> de <heure> à <heure> avec les <nombre> mises en spam que vous mentionnez dans votre interface.

<détails du souci>

J'insiste sur le fait que notre service est resté identique autour de cette date et n'a subi aucune modification ou autre mise en production. Cette mise en spam ponctuelle a donc tout d'un évènement improbable et exceptionnel.

Pourriez-vous svp débloquer nos envois ?

ℹ️ Mailjet may ask you for further information on the user path before they restore the service. Here is a demo sent to convince them that we're not aggressive towards our users.

☝️ This process may last some days. In the meanwhile, we strongly recommend you to disable Je Postule on your websites using it. See relevant section of this README for instructions about how to do this for LBB frontend.

How to disable JePostule on LBB frontend

When JePostule has serious issues (Mailjet issue and/or the whole service is unavailable) you want to hide the JePostule button on the LBB frontend to avoid frustrating your users.

To do that you simply need to set JEPOSTULE_QUOTA = 0 in the LBB settings.

One easy way to do that is to rebase and deploy this MR.


This project is totally dockerized. Have a look at the Makefile to see a list of available commands using Docker.

ℹ️ While developing, you may want to use only third-party services and not all the containers. To do so, run make build and then make services. Perfect! You're ready to start the server with make run!

Forward to Memo

This feature is quite outdated though still alive. At some point it made sense to forward all JP job applications to Memo so that users also using Memo would see their JP job applications as cards in their Memo dashboard.

There is a dedicated kafka topic forward-to-memo dedicated to processing these tasks.

Relevant code can be seen here.

Forward to AMI API CSP

The main documentation about what the AMI and it API CSP are, why and how we use them is available on the official LBB README

There is a dedicated kafka topic forward-to-ami dedicated to processing these tasks.

Relevant code can be seen here and here.


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License.

How to contribute

For devs in the core team, this repo follows the Feature Branch Workflow.

We are also open to comments, questions and contributions from devs outside the core dev team! Feel free to open an issue, fork the code, make changes and open a pull request.