I'm Steank (he/him or they/them). I'm a cybersecurity student with a general interest in IT and computer programming.
Most READMEs have a fancy banner displaying their Github statistics, but I'm a big plaintext enjoyer, so here goes.
I specialize in Java, but I am fluent enough to get by in:
- Kotlin
- C#
- Rust
- C
- Python
- Bash
Projects I'm currently working on:
- Phantazm Network, a Minecraft server network based on the open-source library Minestom, with no code from Mojang.
- Element, a bespoke library for creating Java objects based on configuration, featuring path resolution, nesting, and dependency injection. Designed for Minecraft mod developers. Integrated with Ethylene, so it doesn't matter what configuration language you use.
- Ethylene, a simple, general-purpose compatability layer between configuration file formats and their Java representations. One API, any format. Supports object mapping.
Projects I want to work on in the future, in no particular order:
- My own (minimal) x86 operating system.
- An ambitous Minecraft mod that totally revamps how the game is played.
- A Scrabble cheat engine capable of not only showing where the highest scoring word can be played, but using minimax to also consider what the opponent might do.
- A basic game engine, written from scratch in something like Rust or C.
- A 2D platformer/survival game with ASCII-based, Dwarf Fortress/Rogue-esque graphics. Designed to be played in an ANSI-compatible terminal.
- A Minecraft client that is protocol-compliant with vanilla servers, but designed to maximize for performance.