CBORcert -- A Command Line Tool for Generation and Verification of Natively Encoded CBOR Certificates
This tool is based on CBOR Encoding of X.509 Certificates (CBOR Certificates)
Version: draft-mattsson-cose-cbor-cert-compress-05
From: December 01, 2020
The usage model follows Guide for building an EDDSA PKI
- Version: draft-moskowitz-eddsa-pki-04
- From: draft-moskowitz-eddsa-pki-04
(The following steps can be executed automatically by calling sample_pki.sh
create a folder structure with three folders one for each CA and one for the entity
mkdir tests tests/ca0 tests/ca1 tests/entity
cd tests
In the ca0 folder create
configuration file with the following content:certificate_serial_number = [1, 245, 13] issuer = "RFC test CA" # The validity time is given in Unix time # Use some tool such as https://www.gaijin.at/de/tools/time-converter to # convert to human readable format validity_not_before = 1577836800 validity_not_after = 1612224000 extensions = 1 issuer_signature_algorithm = "id-Ed25519"
Adjust the values to your needs
create key pair
cborcert -k "id-Ed25519" tests/ca0/ca0.c tests/ca0/ca0.der
This command will output the secret and private key in separate .der files and also in a .c file.
Create a configuration file ca1.toml in the ca1 folder with the following content (adjust the values to your needs):
certificate_serial_number = [1, 245, 13] issuer = "RFC test CA" validity_not_before = 1577836800 validity_not_after = 1612224000 extensions = 1 issuer_signature_algorithm = "id-Ed25519"
Create a CSR configuration file csr_ca1.toml in the ca1 folder with the following content (adjust the values to your needs):
cbor_cert_type = 0 subject_common_name = [1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171] # h'0123456789AB subject_pk_alg = "id-Ed25519"
create a key pair
cborcert -k "id-Ed25519" tests/ca1/ca1.c tests/ca1/ca1.der
This command will output the secret and private key in separate .der files and also in a .c file.
Create a Certificate Signing Request (SCR)
cborcert -c tests/ca1/csr_ca1.toml tests/ca1/ca1_pk_id_Ed25519.der tests/ca1/ca1_sk_id_Ed25519.der tests/ca1/ca1_csr.c tests/ca1/ca1_csr.der
Create certificate for CA1
cborcert -g tests/ca0/ca0.toml tests/ca1/ca1_csr.der tests/ca0/ca0_pk_id_Ed25519.der tests/ca0/ca0_sk_id_Ed25519.der tests/ca1/ca1_cert.c tests/ca1/ca1_cert.der
Parse and verify the certificate (optional just as test)
cborcert -v tests/ca1/ca1_cert.der tests/ca0/ca0_pk_id_Ed25519.der tests/ca1/ca1_cert_ver.toml
This command will output the decoded certificate content in the ca1_cert_ver.toml file.
Create a CSR configuration file csr_entity.toml in the entity folder with the following content (adjust the values to your needs):
cbor_cert_type = 0 subject_common_name = [1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171] # h'0123456789AB subject_pk_alg = "id-Ed25519"
create a key pair
cborcert -k "id-Ed25519" tests/entity/entity.c tests/entity/entity.der
This command will output the secret and private key in separate .der files and also in a .c file.
Create a Certificate Signing Request (SCR)
cborcert -c tests/entity/csr_entity.toml tests/entity/entity_pk_id_Ed25519.der tests/entity/entity_sk_id_Ed25519.der tests/entity/entity_csr.c tests/entity/entity_csr.der
Create certificate for the entity
cborcert -g tests/ca1/ca1.toml tests/entity/entity_csr.der tests/ca1/ca1_pk_id_Ed25519.der tests/ca1/ca1_sk_id_Ed25519.der tests/entity/entity_cert.c tests/entity/entity_cert.der
Parse and verify the certificate (optional just as test)
cborcert -v tests/entity/entity_cert.der tests/ca1/ca1_pk_id_Ed25519.der tests/entity/entity_cert_ver.toml
This command will output the decoded certificate content in the entity_cert_ver.toml file.