chmod a+x
sh up
[mysql] Host: mysql user: root password: kafkademo db: demo
Then run MySQL Source:
http POST localhost:8083/connectors @connect/mysql-source.json
./bin/kafka-avro-console-consumer --topic mysql.demo.customers --from-beginning
Then run Postgres Sink:
http POST localhost:8083/connectors @connect/postgres-sink.json
[postgres] Host: postgres user: postgres password: kafkademo db: demo
Then fill with data:
docker exec -ti mongo mongo -u debezium -p dbz --authenticationDatabase admin localhost:27017/demo
PRIMARY> show collections;
PRIMARY> db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 2, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 3, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 4, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 5, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 6, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 7, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 8, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 9, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 10, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 11, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""}),
db.user_actions.insert({"userId": 12, "ts": new Date(), "ip": ""})
Finally, setup source and sink:
http POST localhost:8083/connectors @connect/mongo-source.json
http POST localhost:8083/connectors @connect/postgres-mongo-sink.json
http POST localhost:8083/connectors @connect/postgres-mongo-sink-no-pii.json
Setup connector:
http POST localhost:8083/connectors @connect/elastic-sink.json
Check results:
curl http://localhost:9200/mysql.demo.customers/_search?pretty=true&q=*:*
Connect to console:
docker exec -ti ksql ksql
Add sample query
set 'auto.offset.reset'='earliest';
create stream customers with(kafka_topic='mysql.demo.customers', value_format='AVRO');
create stream addressLine1_changed_notification with (value_format='JSON') as
select before->addressLine1 rcpt, concat('Your address was changed to ', after->addressLine1) message
from customers where before->addressLine1 <> after->addressLine1;
Check the data:
./bin/kafka-console-consumer --topic ADDRESSLINE1_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION --from-beginning