This application is an online art gallery that allows put their original art up for sale and browse art pieces that have been posted by other users in the community. The application is built with the MERN stack with a GraphQL API. A Stripe placeholder is configured to direct users to a payment page for purchasing art.
Visit the deployed application here:
The following tolols & packages were used for development:
- Front-End:
- React
- Apollo Server
- Bootstrap
- GraphQL
- styled-components
- Back-End
- Apollo Server
- GrapQL
- Express
- jsonwebtoken
- Mongoose
- Firebase
- Stripe
The application is able to perform the following functions:
- Create and authenticate user accounts during signup/login
- Allow users to post original pieces of art with the art details
- Allow users to purchase art from postings
- Allow users to view and search all art that has been posted by other users
- Allow users to view their profile, including personal information and art that they have posted
Here is a screenshot of the deployed application!
The following developers contributed to the development of this application:
- Andrew Power
- Jade Jhagru
- Lily Kim
- Steven Maddison
- Yonatan Haddish
- apollo-server-express:
- Apollo:
- Bootstrap:
- Express:
- GraphQL:
- jsonwebtoken:
- Mongoose:
- Firebase: