This package contains the Vividict class which can be used to create nested dictionaries in python.
- Title: ViviDict Package
- Author: Charbel Antoine Marche
- Date: July 10, 2024
- Language: Python
- Comment: This package contains a simple vividict class that is adapted from various stackoverflow answers. It enables the creation of nested dictionaries, which is necessary across many stockscrapers projects.
- URL:
You can install this package locally using the following command in your terminal. s
pip install vividict
This should install the latest vividict version to your environment.
Once the package is installed, you can import the Vividict class into your python project as such:
from vividict import Vividict
Then you can initialize your vividict object with the below code.
vivi = Vividict()
From then on out you can use the 'vivi' variable (or the respectively named variable) to create a nested dictionary.
vivi[outerkey][innerkey] = value
- Website:
- Financial Statement API:
- On PyPi: