This is a typescript implementation of the Halite 3 AI competition using the Dimensions AI competition framework. This simulates the original Halite 3 game quite closely, including features such as inspiration, mining, dropoffs and more!
You can run most bots that adhere to the Halite 3 starter kits. At the moment, C++, C bots don't really work due to no support for CMake and Make at the moment. Out of the box, Java, Python, Javascript / Typescript, PHP, Go should work, as long as a
file isn't used. More will be added as Dimensions supports more options.
To start, first install it
npm install dimensions-ai @dimensions-ai/designs-halite3
To run a single match, run
const Dimension = require('dimensions-ai');
const Halite3Design = require('@dimensions-ai/designs-halite3').default;
let halite3Design = new Halite3Design('Halite 3 Design');
let halite3Dimension = Dimension.create(halite3Design, {
name: 'Halite 3',
loggingLevel: Dimension.Logger.LEVEL.DETAIL
let starterBotJS = './starter-kits/js/MyBot.js';
let starterBotPY = './starter-kits/python/';
[starterBotJS, starterBotPY],
name: 'my-halite-match',
loggingLevel: Dimension.Logger.LEVEL.INFO,
replayDirectory: './replays',
).then((res) => {
To run a trueskill ranked leaderboard like tournament, akin to the actual Halite 3 tournament, run
let Tournament = Dimension.Tournament;
let simpleBots = ["pathToBot.js", "", "anotherBot.cpp", ""];
let halite3League = halite3Dimension.createTournament(simpleBots, {
type: Tournament.Type.LADDER, // specify ladder/leaderboard tournament
rankSystem: Tournament.RankSystem.TRUESKILL, // specify to use trueskill for ranking
loggingLevel: Dimension.Logger.LEVEL.INFO,
defaultMatchConfigs: {
replayDirectory: './replays',
loggingLevel: Dimension.Logger.LEVEL.ERROR,
agentsPerMatch: [2, 4], // specify that only 2 or 4 players can compete at the same time
resultHandler: Halite3Design.trueskillResultHandler // use the trueskill result handler
For full details on how to run custom matches and tournaments, make sure to check out for details on how to run them.
Replays are automatically saved to the root folder. You can specify the replayDirectory
field to give a directory to store replays in. To watch them, you can upload them to the online Halite 3 client at
There are only a few features left out (that I know of at least). Error logs are not saved anywhere at this time, they are only printed to console if you set logging to a level of Logger.LEVEL.WARN
or higher
I'm open to any contributions if you would like to fix/add something to this! Just open an issue or a PR